Year 2 celebrated the end of the year in style by having a Brazilian themed carnival. We made some fantastic masks and listened to the beats of Rio and other samba music. Year 2 used their new samba dancing skills and we had lots and lots of fun.
We had a fantastic morning at St Leonard's Church and are beginning to recognise the main features in a church including the font, altar, pews, organ, pulpit and lectern.
After our visit, Em treated us to some squash and biscuits.
The sun is shining, Wimbledon, strawberries and cream for everyone. Throughout the summer term, we have been developing our tennis schools. I'm pretty sure that we have a couple of Wimbledon champions in the making!
Year 2 have been busy making some healthysandwiches. We had lots of fun.
First, we had to wash our hands. Then, we had to prepare the food. Before we put the food in to make our sandwich, some children spread butter onto the two slices of bread. Lastly, we cut our sandwich in half and gobbled it up!