Thursday, 21 May 2015

Learning about Islam

Year 2 welcomed Mr Numan Khalid into our class this week to learn more about Islam.  We learnt a lot about why Muslims go to the mosque and how they pray.  Year 2 also learnt about the role of an Imam and how important the Imam is in the local community. 

Mr Khalid also explained why the Qu'ran is important and also sang a song in Arabic using his drum. It was a lovely visit to our class and the children were all engaged and asked our visitor excellent questions which he answered.  Mr Khalid has  invited Year 2 to the mosque in St. Albans - a wonderful learning experience that they could go to in Year 3.

After the lesson, we made some thank you letters to Khalid.

Sunday, 17 May 2015

Animal sculptures

We've had a very creative week and used clay to make some fantastic nocturnal animals.  Although it we had a couple of messy lessons, we had plenty of fun.  All there is left to do, is to glaze our sculptures with PVA glue and water and then they will be complete.  We hope that you enjoy the photos. 

Friday, 1 May 2015

Year 2 Sharing Assembly

We had lots of fun sharing our class assembly.  We told everyone what we have learnt from September.  
September: Scotland and Sandridge.  We learnt about physical and human features in Sandridge and on the Isle of Struay.  Children read Katie Morag books and we learnt Scottish folk dancing.  We tried some porridge and traditional Scottish shortbread biscuits. YUMMY!
November: Our topic was about the Great Fire of London.  We sang London's Burning, did lots of role play and learnt about the historical event including dates and important people.  Jake shared his diary extract about the historical event. 
December: We performed our Nativity Play with a twist! Christmas with the Aliens.
January: Year 2 looked at Vehicles as our main topic.  We looked at transport and made some moving vehicles in DT.
February: Another term, another topic!  We looked at minibeasts, a topic that was loved by everyone.  We also learnt about life-cycles and we performed a dance to show the life-cycle of a frog. 
Now we are in the summer term and we still have lots more fantastic things to learn.