Friday, 17 July 2015


To all the children and parents in Year 2.

A huge thank you for all of your support throughout the year and working extremely hard.  You have made my job easier (at times) to teach :-)

I am very proud of everything that you have achieved and I'm happy to have taught you. Always remember that you can achieve anything that you want in life! Keep taking chances, keep working hard, continue to be curious and ask questions, even when something may seem too hard - keep on trying! I know that you will succeed!

You have all been very kind and generous for the food, gifts and cards that you have brought in.  Good luck in the future.  If you seem me in St. Albans, please say hello!

Kind regards,

Mr Dourado

KS1 Disco!

Year 2 ended the term with a fabulous school disco on Thursday afternoon and we all had an amazing time.  We boogied all afternoon and we were treated to a delicious hot-dog! Followed by more dancing and competitions.  I didn't know we had so many groovy dancers!

Friday, 10 July 2015

Maths games!

Today Year 2 made their own maths games. It was so simple - you could try these at home.
You can create your own games using dice, dominoes and playing cards.  You can make games using patterns, addition, subtraction, multiplication or even division.

Have fun!

Thursday, 9 July 2015

Homework Projects

A big thank you to Year 2 for producing some fantastic homework projects.  It's been a nice way to end the summer term and see the children taking responsibility for what they wanted to learn about.  There was a range of homework including football, athletics, animals and countries.  The children produced them on PowerPoint presentations, as well as scrapbooks. 

Fun Fractions!

Group work!
Fun learning!
Learning from each other!
Taking a chance and learning from our mistakes!

Monday, 6 July 2015

Outdoor Maths

Today we worked in small groups to draw some shapes on the playground.  We had to draw different 2d shapes using specific lengths so we had to use a metre ruler.  It was a lot harder than it looked so it was important to work as a team.